Staff Mobility for Training
Staff Mobility for Training is a field of activity that allows a staff member employed at an ECHE holder higher education institution in Türkiye to receive training in one of the program countries. Within the scope of this activity, it is possible for a staff to participate in various training sessions (such as on the job trainings, observations) to improve their skills regarding their current profession.
Participation in conferences is not supported as part of the activity.
Within the scope of Staff Mobility for Training, it is also possible for a staff who is employed at an ECHE holder higher education institution to go to an ECHE holder higher education institution or foundation to receive training. The foundation where staff will receive the training can be an overseas education center, research center, higher education institution or any other institution fitting the definition of foundation.
Within this framework, a fitting foundation means an enterprise that performs all kinds of economic activities including social economies with all private or public institutions/establishments regardless of size, legal status and economic sector of operation. Staff Mobility for Training is a full-time activity, and the grant is paid for the periods of full-time training. Therefore, the training schedule must be specified on the basis of days in the Staff Mobility for Training- Mobility Agreement.
NOTE: There is no partnership obligation within the scope of Staff Mobility for Training.
Minimum and Maximum Period for Staff Mobility for Training
For mobility with countries associated with the program, the minimum duration is 2 consecutive days, excluding travel; for mobility with countries not associated with the program, the minimum duration is 5 consecutive days.
If it is observed in the certificate of attendance that the beneficiary performs an activity for less than 2 days, except for force majeure as part of Staff Mobility for Training, the activity is deemed invalid and no grant is paid to the beneficiary.
The activities for which minimum duration could not be completed due to force majeure are accepted and grant is given for the attendance period, provided that the force majeure is documented and the travel costs are paid based on distance calculator.
Our office should be contacted before an event or a situation is considered force majeure.
The staff who will take part in the mobility must meet the minimum requirements below:
The staff wishing to carry out a staff mobility must have been employed as a full-time or part-time lecturer at an ECHE holder higher education institution in Türkiye and must be performing his/her duty in that institution. It is not required for the staff member, who is employed at a higher education institution, to be a tenured staff; all staff members who have a contract with the higher education institution can benefit from the activities.
A staff who is tenured at a different institution and works at another higher education institution under contract should apply for mobility at the institution where they work, not at the institution where they are tenured.
- Higher education institutions are obliged to ensure an unbiased selection of staff who will benefit from mobility, ensure that transparency and justice are observed, and keep documentation in a manner to provide all kinds of information about the selection process when necessary.
- The higher education institutions are responsible for the determination of the evaluation criteria to be applied equally to all staff members to ensure a fair, transparent, unbiased and consistent evaluation process. The criteria cannot be determined in a manner that completely excludes a certain person or staff in a certain category or allows for the selection of only a certain person or staff in a certain category. The positive or negative weight of the determined criterion should not be to an extent that this criterion determines the entire evaluation result.

Grant Support
The grant that is granted to the staff benefiting from Staff Mobility for Training is a contribution and the grant is not intended to cover all expenses related to the period spent abroad.
Daily Grant Amount by Country
The daily amount to be given to the staff to benefit from Staff Mobility for Training is calculated by taking into consideration the amounts indicated in the table below according to the time spent in traveling and the country to be traveled to. The amounts shown in the table are in Euro.

No grant will be paid for the days that do not include any activity or cannot be documented that the activity is appropriate.
Staff Mobility To The Countries That Are Not Affiliated With The Program (International Mobılıty)
Our university has allocated 20% of the KA 131 Staff Mobility (regardless of teaching/training) grant to send students to the countries (1-14 Regions) not related to the Program in the table below.
Countries That Are Not Related To The Program (Region 1-14 Countries)

Calculation of Travel Expenses
The amount of travel cost to be paid to staff member benefiting from staff mobility activity must be calculated using the “Distance Calculator”. The distance calculator is provided in the link below:
By using distance calculator, the distance between the location where staff member is residing and the place of activity must be determined in km and the travel grant must be calculated per the below table.
The grant equivalent seen in the below table for the kilometer value calculated by the distance calculator corresponds to the round-trip fee. The amount is not multiplied by two. The fact that staff makes a connecting travel does not affect the distance calculated by the distance calculation above.

*Personal support is provided for up to 4 days for the travel days to the staff who choose to travel with the means of Green Travel (use of transportation vehicles to reduce carbon emissions, for example: bus, train, car sharing) type.
The starting point of travel is accepted as the location of sending institution and the place of activity is the location of host institution. In case of the starting point of travel is a city other than the city of sending institution or the activity takes place in a city other than where host institution is located, and if this change necessitates to take another distance band into consideration, then the travel invoices are demanded and a grant is given according to the distance covered. If another starting point or place of activity is reported, the reason of this difference is specified in the report. Furthermore, documents and invoices showing the starting and ending points of travel are kept in staff’s file to be submitted in potential audits.
*Beneficiaries who prove that the travel grant allocated based on the distance band in Table does not cover at least 70% of total travel expenses may demand the remaining amount as exceptional costs, provided that the situation is documented. Additional grant in this scope cannot exceed 80% of total travel expenses.
Payment to be Made to Staff
Whenever possible, higher education institutions give the grant to the beneficiary before the activity period starts or before the beneficiary goes abroad, provided that the Center receives the grants paid by the EU Commission and transfers these grants to the beneficiary institution.
Grants are paid in euros without being subject to tax deductions.
If the activity does not take place, no grant is paid to the beneficiary.
Deductions in Payment
If the documents (certificate of attendance) proving the participation in mobility activity are not submitted, then the mobility is deemed invalid, no grant is paid to staff member and the initial grant payment is refunded. Amounts which are not paid despite being stipulated in the first planning and/or refunded by the staff must be refunded to the Center.
Zero-Grant (“0” Grant) Staff
If desired, staff can participate in the activity without any grant. Staff must still make an application to benefit from the activity although without a grant and such application must still be subject to evaluation together with other applications.
The difference of zero-grant staff is that they are not included in budget calculations and that no payment is made to them. The fact that staff do not get any grants does not mean that they will not be included in the selection process.
Returning Before the Planned Activity Period Ends
As mentioned in the General Call for Proposals announced by the European Commission, the minimum duration of staff mobility is 2 days. If a period of mobility is shorter than the minimum duration, no grant is paid for such mobility.
If a staff member returns from the mobility activity earlier than the planned period due to force majeure (such as compelling reasons, family reasons, health issues, disasters), the amount of daily grant corresponding to the period spent abroad is given to the staff member based on the distance calculator. If the amount paid is more than the grant calculated for the time spent, the excessive amount is required to be refunded.
Staff who could not complete the minimum staff mobility period of two days (excluding travels) due to force majeure are allowed to compensate and take part in an activity at the same or a different institution by signing a new teaching/training program and staff mobility agreement within the same agreement period and without being subject to the selection process again. In this case, the first activity before returning due to force majeure and the compensation activity must be reported on the Mobility Tool (MT+) separately, and travel and daily grants must be paid according to the dates of activities carried out. The number of days with grant for the compensation activity cannot be more than the number of days with grant for the first planned activity, and the right to compensation cannot be transferred to the next agreement periods.
If a staff who stayed more than the minimum activity period must return due to a personal force majeure, they are not allowed to return to compensate the incomplete activity.
With regards to the incidents involving staff returning before completing the stipulated activity period due to general force majeure (disasters, strikes, etc. in host region), the National Agency and the European Commission examines each case separately to make a collective decision for situations such as the acceptance or repeating of the activity.
It is possible for a staff who is a citizen of one of the Program Countries and resides in Türkiye to participate in a mobility activity in his/her country of citizenship; however, such staff members are given low priority during the evaluation process pursuant to the relevant article.
Date of Application: NOVEMBER 12th, 2024- DECEMBER 13th, 2024
Application Form:
Responsible Unit: International Office
Hamidiye Mah. Selçuklu Caddesi No: 10 D Blok Kağıthane/Istanbul, (Vadi D Campus)
Staff that Can Apply: All Academic and Administrative Staff.
*In Staff Mobility for Training, administrative staff are prioritized.
Letter of Acceptance/Invitation (Staff applications without the Letter of Acceptance/Invitation at the time of application will not be accepted.)
*The Letter of Acceptance/Invitation must cover the open mobility dates in a period of minimum 2 business days and maximum 5 business days on the stationery letterhead of the institution where the mobility will take place. (Example: 06/05/2024- 10/05/2024)
*The Letter must be signed/stamped.
See the Sample E-mail to be Used While Searching for an Institution and Sample Acceptance Letter:
See the template of Mobility Agreement:
Estimated Quota:
Staff Mobility for Training: 5 (For countries not affiliated with the program, the number of quotas is 1 out of 5.)
*If eligible staff waive their rights or in case of additional grant, the WAITING LIST will be taken into consideration. (Additional quota will be requested in addition to the grant allocated to our university.)
Mobility Dates: Mobility must be completed by NOVEMBER 30th, 2025, at the latest.
Duration of Mobility: Mobility grant will be given for maximum 5 business days, and in addition, round-trip travel grant will be given using “Distance Calculator”.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the planned dates of the mobility not to cause any disruption at our university, the planned mobility dates should be consulted with the relevant unit/department manager.
Approval form on our website with the link below should be filled/signed and delivered to our office by hand.
*This information has been revised according to the Erasmus 2024 handbook as of November 21, 2024.